Are Your Finances Ready for Divorce?

Your divorce is finally coming to an end. As you prepare for a new life in Pennsylvania without your spouse in tow, it is important to get your finances in order before everything is officially finalized. Throughout the years, you have mixed finances with your soon-to-be ex-spouse and opened a few joint accounts. You may have several major assets in both of your names. No matter how much you think you deserve to take complete ownership of certain accounts, properties, and other marital assets, the law may say otherwise.

The laws of equitable distribution govern your divorce and the separation of marital assets must be fair. This means that you’ll likely need to assess and make adjustments to your personal finances to ensure you can maintain the standard of living you grew accustomed to. Here are some suggestions to help improve your post-divorce financial picture.

Is the house worth keeping?

You may want to hold onto the marital home because of all the time, memories and money you put into it. But you must take into consideration if you can afford to keep it. Your finances are changing, and your household will have less income than before. Determine if you can afford all ownership costs for the property on your own in addition to the other financial obligations you have.

Do you have joint debts and accounts with your former partner?

The end of your relationship should also be the end of all joint financial responsibilities you have together unless you have kids. Close out all joint accounts and pay off all shared debts. If you are giving up the marital home, be sure to contact your lender to find out what the process is for removing your name from the mortgage. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to refinance and sign a quitclaim deed.

You may want to seek assistance from a financial advisor and attorney about the upcoming changes to your life so they can help you stay on track. They can help you to plan your financial future to minimize the impact your divorce has on your life.