How Your Social Media Can Affect Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
May 26, 2023

Most people use social media platforms to share their lives with friends and family, often without considering the potential implications of these online interactions. However, when it comes to workers’ compensation claims, your social media presence can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case.

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., our qualified Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers understand the importance of protecting your rights throughout the claims process. If you have been injured on the job, it is important to be mindful of your social media use, as it can be used against you in your case. In this article, we’ll explore the tactics used by insurance companies to investigate claims, what you should avoid doing on social media, and why working with a lawyer is critical to safeguarding your rights.

Insurance Companies’ Social Media Surveillance Tactics

Insurance companies are well aware of the treasure trove of information that can be found on social media. They often employ teams of investigators to search for evidence that can be used to discredit your workers’ compensation claim. Here are some of the tactics they use to scrutinize your online presence:

Publicly Available Content

Anything you post publicly on social media platforms is fair game for investigators. They’ll comb through your photos, videos, status updates, and comments in search of any material that could be used against your claim.

Friending and Following

In some cases, insurance investigators may create fake profiles to gain access to your private content. They’ll try to “friend” or “follow” you, sometimes posing as a mutual acquaintance to see what you’re posting behind closed doors. 

Geotags and Check-Ins

Investigators can use geotags and check-ins to establish your whereabouts at specific times. If your social media posts suggest you were engaging in activities that contradict your injury claim, this could be used as evidence against you.

Social Media Traps for Claimants and Pitfalls to Avoid During Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

When you’re in the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim, there are several social media traps you need to be aware of:


Posting about your injury, treatment, or recovery progress may seem innocent, but updates can be taken out of context and used against you. Be cautious about sharing any details related to your claim.

Contradictory Evidence

Even seemingly innocuous posts can be twisted to discredit your claim. For example, if you claim a back injury and then post a photo of yourself lifting something heavy, the insurance company could argue that your injury is not as severe as you say it is.


Insurance companies will look for inconsistencies between what you’ve told them and what you’ve posted online. Make sure the information you provide in your claim is accurate and consistent with your social media activity.

The Risk of Criminal Charges

While many workers’ compensation claims are legitimate, there are instances where individuals attempt to fake injuries or exaggerate their severity to receive benefits. When it comes to such fraudulent claims, social media can provide compelling evidence that may lead to criminal charges.

Uncovering Fraud Through Social Media

Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies are increasingly turning to social media to uncover evidence of fraudulent workers’ compensation claims. Posts depicting claimants engaging in physical activities that contradict their alleged injuries or timelines can serve as crucial evidence in building a case against them.

Some examples of social media activity that could be used as evidence of fraud include:

  • Photos or videos of the claimant participating in sports, recreational activities, or heavy lifting
  • Status updates that hint at successfully deceiving the insurance company or discuss plans to do so
  • Posts that show the claimant’s injury was pre-existing or self-inflicted

Even something as seemingly innocent as a post about taking a vacation or going on a shopping spree can be used as evidence of fraud if the claimant is receiving disability payments. Social media can also be used to detect patterns of fraud over time, such as multiple claimants with similar injury stories or suspiciously frequent claims from the same physician.

Legal Ramifications of Workers’ Compensation Fraud

If your social media posts provide sufficient evidence to compel an investigator to believe you could be guilty of faking or exaggerating an injury to receive workers’ compensation benefits, you may face severe legal consequences, including:

  • Criminal charges: Depending on the severity of the fraud, you could face misdemeanor or felony charges.
  • Fines: In addition to potential criminal penalties, you may be required to pay fines or restitution to the insurance company.
  • Loss of benefits: If you’re found guilty of fraud, you may be required to forfeit any benefits you’ve received from your false claim.

A fraud conviction can have lasting consequences on your personal and professional reputation. It may also make it difficult to find employment in the future, as potential employers may be reluctant to hire someone with a fraud conviction on their record.

Digital Self-Defense Strategies During Your Claim

To minimize the potential damage your social media presence can have on your workers’ compensation claim, consider implementing these strategies:

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

Limit the visibility of your social media profiles to friends and family only. This can make it more difficult for insurance investigators to access your content.

Be Selective About New Connections

If you receive a friend or follow request from someone you don’t recognize, do some research before accepting it. Insurance investigators may be trying to gain access to your private content.

Pause Your Social Media Activity

While your claim is pending, it’s a good idea to take a break from social media altogether. The less you post, the less ammunition you provide for insurance companies to use against you.

Think Before You Post

If you continue using social media during your claim, be cautious about what you share. Avoid posting anything that could be misconstrued or used against you in your workers’ compensation case.

Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

The workers’ comp process can be complex, and it is important to have a lawyer on your side to ensure that you are treated fairly get the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will be able to help you understand the WC process, represent you in court, and ensure that you get the best outcome possible. Additionally, a lawyer can help with:

Navigating the Legal Maze

Workers’ compensation laws can be complex and difficult to understand. A talented lawyer from the RGSG team can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the benefits you’re entitled to.

Protecting Your Rights

Your lawyer will be very familiar with tactics insurance companies use to discredit claims, including social media surveillance. We can advise you on the best strategies to protect your online presence and minimize the impact of your social media activity on your claim.

Negotiating on Your Behalf

Insurance companies often try to settle workers’ compensation claims for less than they’re worth. Our team can negotiate with the insurance company to ensure you receive a fair and just settlement.

Advocating for You in Court

If your claim goes to court, you’ll want a strong legal advocate on your side. A lawyer with experience in workers’ compensation cases can present your case effectively, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer to Protect Your Rights

Your social media activity can have a profound impact on your workers’ compensation claim. By understanding the tactics used by insurance companies and taking steps to protect your online presence, you can minimize the potential damage to your case. Working with a lawyer is crucial in safeguarding your rights and ensuring you receive the benefits you’re entitled to. 

By partnering with professionals such as those at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., you can navigate the complex world of workers’ compensation with confidence, knowing that your best interests are being protected. Don’t let your social media presence jeopardize your claim—contact us at (215) 822-7575 or fill out our contact form today to discuss your case and start securing your future.

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Pennsylvania Attorney's
May 26, 2023
Established in 1952 by Irwin S. Rubin, Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. boasts over 65 years of experience serving clients throughout Pennsylvania. Renowned for its commitment to ethical representation, the firm has garnered prestigious accolades, including being named the "Best Law Firm" for its outstanding legal defense work by U.S. News & World Report. Their team of seasoned attorneys, recognized as Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars, brings unparalleled expertise to a wide range of legal matters, ensuring exceptional representation for individuals, families, businesses, and organizations.