Driving requires you to be alert at all times. When you’re behind the wheel, you must be able to focus on the task at hand, whether it’s monitoring your speed, turning left at a light, or treading through harsh weather conditions. Unfortunately, no one can anticipate the different scenarios that may cause an accident to occur—one of them being defective tires.
When a tire is defective, a number of safety and reliability issues can arise. Defective tires can cause tread separation, loss of air pressure, and accelerated wear and tear—all of which can lead to a tire blowout that is often followed by a car accident. Of those involved in the 78,000 tire blowout accidents that occur annually, thousands of victims suffer catastrophic and sometimes fatal injuries.
If you or someone you care about was hurt in a defective tire car accident in Southeastern Pennsylvania, your only hope of fair compensation may be bringing a lawsuit against the responsible party for your physical and psychological damages. The following information will help you determine who may be liable for a defective tire car accident.
Defective Tires and Accident Risks
Tires are the most essential but overlooked car part. Because tires maintain continual contact with the road, the importance of tire maintenance can’t be overstated. Defective tire accidents occur more frequently than they should, causing just as many fatalities as distracted driving accidents.
Tire failure, whether due to underinflation, overinflation, or wear and tear, can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle, swerve into traffic, or end up off the road. Depending on the severity of the defective tire car accident, those involved may endure significant property damage and severe head, neck, or back injuries.
Defective Tire Car Accident and Product Liability Issues
Defective tire car accidents don’t just happen by chance. Typically, they occur when a tire is not manufactured or designed correctly. A vehicle owner may file a product liability claim against the tire manufacturer, designer, or seller if they can prove that the product was unreasonably dangerous because of poor manufacturing, faulty design, the use of low-grade materials, or improper installation. In some cases, the product may have been mishandled by third parties, such as a distribution center or car dealership.
Regardless of the flaw, if the tire is not fit for safe vehicle operation and someone is seriously injured or wrongfully killed as a result, all parties in the distribution channel must be identified and investigated.
Can Drivers Be Held Liable for a Defective Tire Car Accident?
While manufacturers, product designers, and others involved in distributing and selling tires play a significant role in tire safety, drivers can neglect critical steps in maintaining tires. Drivers must not only follow the rules of the road but also maintain and inspect their vehicle frequently. Proper inspections and regular maintenance allow drivers to document both noticeable and hidden tire defects.
In addition, drivers are legally obligated to not drive their car if there are known defects. Although this seems like common sense, many drivers feel like they have no other option but to drive with defective tires. Taking chances like this is irresponsible and places others who share the road in danger. When drivers fail to uphold their duty of care on the road, they may have to take the fall for the negligent misconduct that led to their own or someone else’s injuries.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Defective Tire Lawyers You Can Trust
When you’re driving and your tire or someone else’s tire suddenly blows, it’s critical that you remain calm and get to safety. If you’re unable to do so and an accident arises, concentrate on receiving the emergency medical care and assistance you need. While you look after yourself, the defective tire lawyers at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. will look after your best interests.
At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg, & Gifford P.C. in Southeastern Pennsylvania, our legal team is relentless in our pursuit of justice for those who have been wrongfully injured. We will work to decipher the evidence and determine the appropriate parties liable for your accident and injuries. Enlisting the help of our reputable firm means having your case backed by over 270 cumulative years of acquired experience, resources, and knowledge. Call (215) 822-7575 or complete a confidential contact form to schedule a consultation today.

Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Pennsylvania Attorney's
January 21, 2021