Abington Truck Accident Lawyers

While all vehicle accidents can have serious consequences, truck crashes typically result in more significant injuries and damages. If you have sustained personal injuries through no fault of your own from a truck accident, you deserve high-quality representation that will help handle every aspect of your claim while you prioritize your recovery. 

Involved In A Truck Accident And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.

Our professional Abington legal team at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. has decades of experience to support you throughout the claims process and fight for your rights. We understand how stressful the aftermath of a truck accident can be, and we may be able to take a weight off your shoulders. We are here to assist you in understanding what goes into a claim, who may be liable, and what damages you could recover.

What Constitutes a Truck Accident in Pennsylvania?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 158,000 people were injured in truck accidents in the United States in 2019. These incidents can involve any type of truck, including the following:

  • 18-wheelers
  • Semi-trucks
  • Flatbed trucks
  • Box trucks
  • Cement trucks
  • Garbage trucks
  • Tractor trailers
  • Street sweepers
  • Tow trucks

No matter what type of truck accident you were involved in, we can listen to your story and determine who was at fault for the incident. 

How to Proceed After a Pennsylvania Truck Accident

The aftermath of a truck accident can be overwhelming, and figuring out what to do next may be stressful. By taking the following steps, you can better your chances of a successful outcome:

Gather Evidence

After being involved in a truck accident, it is important to document as much as you can. Photos and videos of the damage, the police report, and other documents will help your Abington truck accident lawyer determine who may be responsible. 

Seek Medical Attention

Seeing a doctor is crucial for treating your injuries and avoiding any long-term issues. Documenting your doctor’s feedback and having your medical records will also be essential for recovering damages.

Report the Incident

If the accident was not investigated by the police and resulted in any injuries, deaths, or damage, you have five days to report it. If the police investigated the accident, they typically complete the report for you.

Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer

Our talented team of Abington truck accident lawyers may be able to help you throughout the entire legal process, from gathering evidence and filing a claim to negotiating with your insurance company and answering your legal questions.

If you are hesitant about contacting a truck accident lawyer, we offer free consultations to discuss the details of your accident and determine the best path forward that will lead you to the compensation you deserve.

Who May Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Taking steps like gathering evidence and seeing a doctor can help immensely with determining the at-fault party in a truck accident. Depending on the circumstances and the facts of your case, the following parties may be at fault:

  • Truck driver: The truck driver might be responsible if they were driving negligently or recklessly, under the influence, or fatigued.
  • Driver’s employer: The truck driver’s employer may be liable for paying your damages as they are responsible for adequately maintaining the trucks and their employees actions.
  • Truck manufacturers: If a defective part of the truck caused the accident, the manufacturer of that part might be held liable.
  • Loading crew: Loading crews are responsible for ensuring a truck’s cargo is loaded properly to avoid shifting in transit. The crew might be responsible for the accident if the cargo was not loading correctly.
  • Property owner or government agency: Perhaps poor road conditions caused the accident. In this case, the party or agency responsible for the maintenance of the roads may be held liable.
  • Another driver: Another driver may be responsible for the accident if they swerved, stopped suddenly, or drove recklessly.

When determining liability, it is important to note that Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. This means, regardless of who is at fault, both parties collect damages from their insurance companies. Our Abington truck accident attorneys understand dealing with insurance companies can be intimidating, so we may be able to help you negotiate with them to achieve fair compensation.

What Potential Damages Can You Recover After a Truck Accident?

In addition to identifying an at-fault party, our Abington truck accident attorneys may also help you understand the worth of your case. While the amount you may receive depends on your situation, you may be able to recover the following damages:

  • Hospital bills
  • Current and future medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages from missed work
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Emotional distress

While these damages do not have a cap in Pennsylvania, the state does practice modified comparative negligence. This means that a percentage of fault is assigned to each party to determine your compensation. You may be found 0% at fault, meaning no money will be withdrawn from your damages. However, if you are found 20% at fault, your compensation would be reduced by 20%. If you carry over 50% of the fault for the accident, you cannot receive any damages.

Speak With an Award-Winning Abington Truck Accident Lawyer at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C.

After being involved in a truck accident, focusing on recovery, dealing with your insurance company, and handling other aspects of your claim can be challenging to manage on your own. Fortunately, our knowledgeable legal team may be able to assist you in filing your claim and giving you a better chance of achieving fair compensation.

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., we have proudly provided the Abington area with our innovative legal services for over 65 years. In our years of experience, our Abington truck accident attorneys have successfully handled all types of truck accidents. Our well-versed and seasoned legal team has the skills to take on your case and help you achieve the compensation you deserve. For a free consultation, call us at (215) 822-7575 or fill out our contact form