Are There Ways to Prevent a Dog Bite? 5 Dog Bite Myths Debunked

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
April 19, 2022

While dogs are man’s best friend and can be an essential family member in many homes, dog bite accidents can be devastating. If the bite gets infected, the injury could even become life-threatening. However, dog bites are largely preventable. Brushing up on dog safety tips and warning signs can help you and your family avoid a dog attack.

5 Dog Bite Myths Debunked

When looking for information online, it is vital to sort facts from fiction. For dog bite incidents, misinformation is both prevalent and dangerous. Below are some common dog bite myths debunked.

Myth #1: A Dog’s Breed Can Tell You If It Will Be Friendly or Aggressive

While certain breeds of dogs account for more bites than others, all dogs can bite. Size and breed are not strong indicators of whether or not a dog will be friendly. A tiny Yorkshire terrier has just as much potential to bite as a pit bull. Aggression is a learned behavior and reflects more on the dog’s upbringing than its breed.

Myth #2: Most Dog Bites Happen with Stray or Unfamiliar Dogs

Most dog bites occur at a friend or family member’s home. When visiting friends and family with dogs, it is crucial to give the dog space and allow it to see and smell you before attempting to further interact with it.

Myth #3: Dogs Are like People and Can Be Comforted with a Hug

Hugging is a leading cause of bites for children. Hugging can stress dogs out, making them more prone to bite. To prevent bites, make sure your children understand that dogs need space, and hugging them can be dangerous.

Myth #4: A Dog Will Always Growl or Bark before Biting

The warning signs a dog shows before biting are often more subtle than barking or growling. A dog may try to back away or become stiff and alert. Other signs of stress include excessive yawning, shivering, or scratching. Additionally, if you can see the whites of a dog’s eyes, it is stressed and should be given space and left alone to prevent bites.

Myth #5: Yelling or Screaming Can Make an Aggressive Dog Back Down

While some people believe yelling or screaming shows dominance, it can stress the dog out further. If a dog seems hostile towards you, stand still and avoid direct eye contact. While running may be your first instinct, avoid running if you can. If you do, it could prompt the dog to chase you. If the dog attacks, curl up into a ball on the ground to protect your limbs, face, and organs.

Contact an Experienced Pennsylvania Dog Bite Attorney

If you or a loved one has sustained an injury from a dog bite attack, the experienced attorneys at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg, and Gifford, P.C. can help. For over 65 years, our skilled attorneys have been helping clients in Pennsylvania recover damages and get the compensation they deserve. Call our office at (215) 822-7575 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Pennsylvania Attorney's
April 19, 2022
Established in 1952 by Irwin S. Rubin, Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. boasts over 65 years of experience serving clients throughout Pennsylvania. Renowned for its commitment to ethical representation, the firm has garnered prestigious accolades, including being named the "Best Law Firm" for its outstanding legal defense work by U.S. News & World Report. Their team of seasoned attorneys, recognized as Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and Rising Stars, brings unparalleled expertise to a wide range of legal matters, ensuring exceptional representation for individuals, families, businesses, and organizations.