Distracted Driving Attorneys in Bucks County, Pennsylvania

When you are driving, several factors require your attention. You must keep a close eye on the road ahead of you, cars and other vehicles around you, and remember where you have to go. Many drivers also keep their phones close by, which may distract them. Other passengers and distracting thoughts may also cause a driver’s eyes to veer from the road or take away their full attention. These distractions can lead to accidents that result in injuries.

If you have been involved in a distracted driving accident, recovery should be your top priority. The legal processes that follow an accident can be challenging and time-consuming. Fortunately, our legal team at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. in Bucks County is here to help you understand the different types of distracted driving, how to prove liability, and what damages you may be able to recover. 

What Qualifies as a Distracted Driving Accident in Pennsylvania?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 424,000 people in the United States were injured in distracted driving accidents in 2019. While cell phones are not the sole reason behind this large number, they are a significant distraction for many drivers. Therefore, several states, including Pennsylvania, have implemented laws that ban cellphone use while driving.

Distracted driving comes in many forms that involve veering full attention away from the road. These forms of distraction include the following:

  • Visual: This distraction involves a driver taking their eyes off the road for any reason.
  • Manual: This distraction occurs when a driver takes their hands off the steering wheel.
  • Cognitive: This type of distraction results from a driver allowing their mind to wander or becoming preoccupied with something besides driving.

Some distracted driving accidents may result from multiple forms of distraction. For example, texting while driving may make the driver look away from the road, take their hands off the wheel, and think about their message. In addition to texting and driving, other distractions can cause an accident, which include the following:

  • Taking a phone call
  • Applying makeup
  • Talking to another passenger
  • Eating
  • Listening to loud music, podcasts, or books
  • Adjusting the volume or other setting
  • Reprimanding or talking to children or passengers in the back seat

This negligent behavior puts the driver and everyone around them in danger. If you have sustained injuries due to someone’s distracted driving, you have the right to pursue financial compensation. Our talented team of Bucks County distracted driving lawyers may be able to help you fight for the best possible outcome and a fair settlement.

Determining Fault in Pennsylvania Distracted Driving Accidents

In a car accident involving distracted driving, the negligent party should be held responsible. When filing your claim, you must provide proof that the other driver acted carelessly and that their careless behavior caused your injuries. With this burden of proof, you should present evidence for the following:

  • The driver neglected their duty to drive responsibly and care for those around them. 
  • The driver broke this duty by turning their eyes from the road, taking their hands off the steering wheel, or other means of distracted driving.
  • The driver’s violation of their duty of care caused your injuries.
  • Your injuries have resulted in damages.

Our Bucks County distracted driving lawyers understand that gathering evidence and compiling information to prove liability can be stressful. We may be able to help you with this process by obtaining medical records, police reports, witness testimony, and video footage. 

What Potential Damages Can You Recover After a Distracted Driving Accident?

After sustaining injuries from a distracted driving accident, it may be helpful to keep track of any medical bills, property damages, and other life changes you have made to determine how much you may be owed in damages. Economic and non-economic damages you may be able to recover for your injuries include the following:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Hospital bills
  • Rehabilitation and other therapy treatments
  • Medications
  • Lost wages from missed work
  • Property damage
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium

Please keep in mind that Pennsylvania is a modified comparative negligence state. This means if you have a percentage of fault for the accident, that percentage will be reduced from your damages. Furthermore, if you are over 50% at fault for the accident, you will not receive any compensation.

How Can a Distracted Driving Lawyer in Bucks County Help With Your Claim?

When filing your claim, several elements require your attention, like gathering evidence, negotiating with your insurance company, keeping track of offers and counteroffers, and seeing your doctor. You do not have to handle all of this on your own. Our knowledgeable team of distracted driving attorneys in Bucks County may be able to guide you through the legal process and get you the compensation you deserve while you focus on recovery.

Our Bucks County distracted driving lawyers have the legal knowledge to handle all aspects of your case while staying within Pennsylvania’s two-year statute of limitations on distracted driving claims. Our Bucks County distracted driving attorneys also keep in mind that Pennsylvania is a no-fault state, meaning all parties must first turn to their insurance companies for compensation, no matter who is at fault. We understand that dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming. We are prepared to listen to your story and present them the best case possible to achieve a fair settlement.

Contact a Bucks County Distracted Driving Lawyer at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C.

After sustaining injuries in a distracted driving accident, you deserve top-notch representation that will fight for your deserved compensation while you take the time to heal. Our legal team may be able to help support you through the legal process and help you understand your rights as a victim of distracted driving. 
At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., our well-versed and reliable team of professionals has served the Bucks County area for over 65 years. We dedicate ourselves to examining the facts surrounding your case and utilizing our knowledge and valuable resources to negotiate with insurance companies and fight for victims of all types of accidents. To schedule a free consultation, please fill out our contact form or call us at (215) 822-7575.