Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer: What to Avoid

There are countless lawyers available to help clients in need, and they all have an incentive for you to believe that they are the best attorney for your specific case. Despite this, it’s crucial to seek out an appropriate attorney that specializes in the field of law concerning your case. Doing so will ensure you […]

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Miranda Rights Explained

Most of us have heard about Miranda Rights, but very few know and understand just how important they are for every person who is interrogated by the police. What are Miranda Rights? If you’ve ever watched a television show or movie about crime, then you’ve likely heard the phrase “you have the right to remain […]

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Reasonable vs. Unreasonable Searches in PA Criminal Cases

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures conducted by the government or law enforcement. Sometimes, however, these types of searches are legal and constitutional. This often becomes a sticking point in criminal cases involving alleged drug crimes or weapons offenses. When Warrantless Home Searches by Police […]

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Fourth Amendment Constitutional Rights in PA Traffic Stops

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution holds that every individual has a right to live free from unreasonable search and seizure by law enforcement. The founding fathers were concerned about unfair bodily and home searches while drafting this amendment. In modern times, there has been extensive debate about whether this right extends to […]

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The Right to Remain Silent in Pennsylvania Criminal Cases

Protection against self-incrimination is imbedded into the Fifth Amendment of U.S. Constitution. Courts have extended the application of this important privilege through court rulings that make it necessary for law enforcement to inform a suspect about this right when being arrested or questioned. Pennsylvania citizens need to have a firm understanding of this right, when […]

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